Samuel C. Okorie,POP Youth Mentor and Ambassador for Africa

Applying the concept of climate education and advocacy training in local communities will help build a sustainable solution and network of actors among youths in Nigeria and in Africa, it is on this vision that the POP NIGERIA INITIATIVE thrives. According to UNICEF (2013) more than 13.5 million Nigerian children between the ages of 5-15 are out of school and also 1 out of every 5 children in the country is out of school with over 65% illiteracy levels from the Northern region. Another report by Educeleb (2019) in reference to UNICEF (2013) has it that over 15.1% of children between 4-15 years in Nigeria are out of school with 70% in Northern Nigeria. Through climate education, children can become more conscious of themselves and their environment; become aware of the essence of education to the sustainable development of their environment; and advocate for sustainable environmental practices in their society. Through climate education, we intend to achieve a peaceful, green and climate friendly society with a reduction in global warming.

As part of the process to tackle the dangers of climate change and activate youth as climate actors, leaders and advocates in various communities across Nigeria, and ultimately, Africa at large, to the POP Nigeria Initiative attempts to promote sustainable environmental practices and livelihoods, while advocating for low carbon options and responsible production by companies and industries through education, advocacy, and meaningful stakeholder engagement.

We believe that climate education would serve as part of the adaptive approach to tackle climate change and promote a sustainable society for all human race and living species.


Our Partners

Federal Ministry of Enviroinment
The Boys' Brigade
Edo state program