Sara Gonzalez
POP Mentor, Dominican Republic
Sara is trained as an environmental lawyer. Passionate about the environment and climate change, Sara has worked on these issues since 2013. She first worked as a Climate Change Technician at the National Climate Change and CDM Council of the Dominican Republic, analyzing public policies and coordinating and attending international and national meetings related to good practices on adaptation to climate change and mitigation of greenhouse gases.
Later, Sara joined the legal advisor team in the same Council, which provided her with the opportunity to be the redactor and editor of the first draft of the National Climate Change Law of the Dominican Republic with the substantial support of the Council’s technical team.
Sara later dropped her position at the Council to further explore and engage in different climate change related sectors, and is now advocating for both sustainable development and climate change education, which she trusts is the right path for human evolution. She dreams of real action through the POP Movement.