Dr. Norma Patricia Muñoz Sevilla
Honorary Distinguished Mentor
Dr. Norma Patricia Munoz Researcher and Honorary Mentor at the Protect Our Planet Movement, New York, USA
Dr. Norma Patricia Muñoz Sevilla studied Biology at the National School of Biological Sciences of the National Polytechnic Institute (IPN), graduating as a Biologist in 1982, obtains a Doctorate in Oceanography Biology at the “Université d’Aix-Marseille II, France” and the post-doctorate in Marine Biochemistry at the “École Pratique des Hautes Études” in Paris, in 1990. In her career, she has trained human resources at the postgraduate, Master’s and Doctorate levels at the Center Interdisciplinary Marine Sciences, Interdisciplinary Research Center for Integral Development Regional, Sinaloa Unit, Center for Research and Advanced Studies, Mérida Unit and in the Center Interdisciplinary Research and Studies in Environment and Development, all of them from the Polytechnic Institute National. To date, she has graduated 28 Masters in Sciences and 9 Doctors. She has taught courses at the postgraduate level at the IPN and as Lecturer at “École Pratique des Hautes Études” in Concarneau, France. In the area of research, she has been the director and/or participant in 59 projects related to the management of marine resources, coastal development, water resources, marine pollution, environmental impact and comprehensive management of coastal area, among others, within the National Polytechnic Institute, Conacyt and other national and international. Her participation in symposia congresses, forums and meetings includes around 310 presentations and has given 71 master lectures in various national and international forums. She has 56 items published scientific and/or popular information, 18 chapters in books and three books on the subject of coastal zone and deterioration environmental. She has been part of the “New York Academy of Sciences”, American Chemical Society, National Advisory Council for Sustainable Development (Semarnat), Coordinator of the Institutional Environment Network (IPN), of the Environmental Policy Committee of Pronatura, Mexico, among others, adding a total of 16 participations in other councils related to the environment, nationally and internationally. She is scientific coordinator for Mexico of the Observatory of Seas and Coasts Jacques-Yves Cousteau, Scientific Counselor of the Board of Directors of the Environmental Fund of the National Institute of Ecology and Climate Change, member of the Consortium of Institutions of Marine Research for the Gulf of Mexico and the Caribbean Sea, Scientific Manager of the MEXICOOS project (System of observation of oceans and coasts of Mexico), as well as President of the Climate Change Council of the Presidency of the Republic. Responsible for the thematic network “Ocean, climate and global change” at the national and Coordinator of Lead Authors of Group II, Chapter 3 (Oceans and Coastal Ecosystems) of the Panel Intergovernmental Committee on Climate Change, IPCC. She has received approximately 41 recognitions for his professional performance, among which is the distinction of the “American Biographical Institute” as “Great Woman of the 21 Century”, 2004/2005 edition, in the area of sustainable development and the “Order of Academic Palms in the degree of Knight”, decoration awarded by the Government of the French Republic, 2011, honorable mention in the Doctorate in Oceanography Biology from the University of Aix-Marseille II in France and Diploma of Honor awarded by the University of Los Andes, Venezuela, in recognition of the outstanding academic career, 2015. Recognized in 2022 in the framework of the event “Polytechnic Women Leaders”. Professional development has led her to develop advice for the Ministry of Environment and Resources Naturales de México (SEMARNAT), in matters of oceans and coasts for more than 10 years; works as an advisor from international organizations such as UNESCO, UNEP, UN and UNIDO, on the issue of marine planning, integrated coastal management, capacity building in Latin America in the coastal zone, Gulf Governance of Mexico, coastal water-continental water, and public policies, among others.