Manish Gupta
POP Youth Mentor
Manish is a community leader and a master trainer in Interpersonal Communication (IPC) and Magnet Theatre. With extensive experience and expertise in training youth and communities in participatory communications and advocacy for health and human rights, Manish has become a respected trainer and advocate in the field.
As a qualified photographer and film maker, Manish has received international acclaim for his work in this area. He was among the six winners of the WACC award for photography, which portrayed gender in a global contest conducted in 2009. Manish’s film Wheels of Revolution about the life and issues of truck drivers was submitted to the Human Rights Watch International Film Festival and was selected for screening on a New York television network in 2010.
Manish is passionate about education and empowering communities, building awareness about environmental issues, and promoting youth and community action for needed change.