Dra. Verónica González Landaeta
POP Motivator Mentor and Coordinator of the POP Venezuela Initiative, Venezuela
Verónica González Landaeta, born in Valencia, Venezuela, isa lawyer by profession.She received a Doctorate in Law at the University of Salamanca, Spain, where she also obtained three other degrees. She received the title of Teacher Training from the University of Carabobo, Venezuela and has been a professor in the postgraduate area at the José Antonio Páez University, Extension Center, CEUJAP, Venezuela, which has also granted her recognition for her stellar contribution toteaching and education.
She is known for her work in “Los Amigos de la Salle”, directing primary school children, since she was 15 years old. She has volunteered in the Central Hospital of Valencia for years helping patients and also had the opportunity to work alongside Father José María Rivolta Chávez for 14 years at “Hogares Crea de Venezuela”.
Verónica González is currently the Coordinator of POP Movement in Venezuela where she inspires and guides young people to helpthem catalyze their leadership potential and take action to tacklethe climate challenge. She wants to be remembered as a proactive, empowered, enterprising, and fair woman.