Dr Livleen Kahlon
Livleen leads the Environment Education and Awareness programs at TERI. She has a vast experience of working in fields of environment research, outreach and conservation education. She joined TERI in 2002, and since then has been actively engaged in creating a niche for environment education both within the organization and outside. GREEN Olympiad is a major project being implemented under her direct supervision. She has experimented and implemented several programs around basic education designs and innovative, multidisciplinary ideas for youth of all age groups. ‘Catching them young’ is the motto behind activities designed under the banner of Environment Education (EE) at TERI and the focus is on channelizing energy of youth towards sustainable development goals (SDGs). She has over two decades of experience and has led several projects with interdisciplinary teams, and applied innovative strategies to examine various cross-cutting issues such as Energy conservation, WASH education, Waste management, Climate Change education, to design and implement school and college based projects with a multiplier effect. Livleen works closely with CBSE, NCERT, and various Education boards promoting TERI’s Environment Education (EE) initiatives through these channels of governance. As a core competency she supports an active engagement with youth to motivate them in acquiring 21st century futuristic skills. As an active member of her working group, she is involved in bringing out several books, newsletters, workbooks, manuals, films and other IEC material. A botanist by training from Delhi University, Livleen also has a Ph.D in Environment Management from GGS Indraprastha University, New Delhi. Apart from Environment Education and Science Popularization, she has an avid interest in tribal knowledge systems and her doctoral research was also in this field. She is a member of ESD expert net, which is a leading network of environment educators based in India, Germany, Mexico and S. Africa. Prior to joining TERI she has worked with WWF-India, and NISCAIR (CSIR) in similar capacities.