Quarantine Eco-Projects – English

Quarantine Eco-Projects - English

1. Lake Lagos

This project was born in Lagos de Moreno thanks to the memories of the elderly around us; we want to recover values ​​and emblematic areas of this town; it will be possible by using the PET and with the help of the citizens.

Country: México
Contact: Baiz Grimaldo Karen Citlalli, Martínez López Deyaneira Anahí | krnbaiz@gmail.com

2. Bioconversion of PET in Trichoderma sp as a heterologous expression system for the reduction of microplastics

This project seeks to genetically modify the fungus Trichoderma spp. to give it the ability to synthesize the MHETase and PETase enzymes that are necessary for the degradation of Polyethylene Terephthalate (PET Plastic).

Country: México
Contact: Andrés Pelayo Vargas, Alexis Uriel Guzmán Magallanes | andres.pelayo6@gmail.com

3. Implementation of reinforcing technique with biodegradable character from low-density polyethylene and plant remains

Low density polyethylene (LDPE) takes from 100 to 400 years to degrade, it is also the third most produced plastic with a demand of 17.5% according to (PEMRG) and (GmbHt). The degradation of polymers is a complex process that can be initiated in multiple ways. In this project, an implementation is proposed that reduces the amount of LDPE in the environment and at the same time makes it more biodegradable.

Country: México
Contact: José de Jesús Alvarado García, Marisol Gutiérrez García | alvaradoj54@gmail.com

4. Use of ceiba organic waste for product improvement and innovation

Using organic waste mainly ceiba fiber for product innovation. Sustainably from the germination process, harvesting and obtaining the raw material.

Country: México
Contact: Sandra Fabiola Infante Guzmán | fabytemperance@gmail.com

5. Green spaces at home

I am looking to generate a service that makes people aware of their impact on the environment and how their actions can help generate more friendly actions with our environment while obtaining various tangible and intangible benefits in their lifestyle.

Country: México
Contact: Diana María Fausto Aguilar | dianafaustoag@gmail.com

6. Human rights as leaders in the sanitation of the Santiago River

The Santiago River suffers from pollution that is more than visible, there have been various attempts to recover it but none have worked. In a world in which human rights are setting a standard, these must be considered in their most recent interpretation.

Country: México
Contact: Daland Alexis Franco Vázquez | daland.franco@alumnos.udg.mx

7. Power generation in biodigesters in combination with electrochemical cells

Organic matter will cause pollution; however, this material can be used in an energetic way and it can reduce pollution by generating gas and electricity.

Country: México
Contact: Irene Paredes Velarde | ipvelardexxi@gmail.com

8. Collection of atmospheric water for sustainable use

This is a project focused on the maximum use of water present in the atmosphere, through a system for collecting gutters, filters and easily available materials, and with an infrastructure that is easy to replicate in all campuses.

Country: México
Contact: Elena Sofia Brancaccio Pérez, Verónica Jocelyne Flores Velázquez | verojocefv@gmail.com

9. BioGraphs

The purpose of our project is to create a university network of environmental education to generate social awareness about the environment, using infographics based on scientific articles, projects carried out in the different research areas, as well as in the basic academic programs of the degrees offered at the University of Guadalajara focused on the conservation of the environment.

Country: México
Contact: Andrea Muñoz Tello, Andrea Parra Reyes, Tzunaly Elizabeth Reyes Granillo, Valeria Estefanía Reséndiz Cruz | andrea.munozt@alumnos.udg.mx

10. Gray water treatment through biofiltration

This project is focused on making a biofilter with ground coconut husk that allows the retention of pollutants, parasites and pathogenic microorganisms from the water coming from sanitary discharges. The water is treated with the shell to obtain clean water that can be used for irrigation of green areas, agriculture and toilets.

Country: México
Contact:  Rafael Gutiérrez Pérez | valeria.resendiz@alumnos.udg.mx

11. Eco-Credit

It is a self-sustaining container capable of classifying different types of waste and providing a point outlet, manipulating wi-fi networks according to citizen participation, a mechanism based on solar energy.

Country: México
Contact:  Miguel Ángel López García, Edgar Alejandro Toscano Flores, César Octavio Gutiérrez Zepeda | miguelg.lopez@alumnos.udg.mx

12. Treatment and determination of the retention of seven heavy metals with the realization of a biofilter with orange feel and recycled materials from the residual water of the university center for exact science and engineering

Using orange peel, heavy metal retention in wastewater can be achieved as the peel can function as an adsorbent matrix.

Country: México
Contact: Napoles Hernandez Miriam Alejandra, Hernández Plascencia María José, Hernández Fernández Favio César, Quezada Vega Jessica Susana, Real Muñoz Idania Dahian, Lic. Ramón Sebastián Villanueva García | alejandra.napoles.30@gmail.com

13. Vermiculture for education and sustainable feeding

This project is focused on how to cultivate earthworms and take advantage of organic fertilizers as part of organic vegetable production, promoting good agricultural practices for sustainable food.

Country: México
Contact: Yahel Luna Gasca, Niza Abril Lugo González ,Adriana Abigail Pinedo Guzmán | adriana.pinedo9362@academicos.udg.mx

14. Museum: Ambassadors of nature in action (EdeNA)

We are working on making people aware of the pollution that today is mainly generated by single-use items, focusing this issue on the oceans. At the same time, a museum of marine specimens that will be collected from fishing cooperatives or organisms that have perished due to natural causes will be made, as well as collections of other marine animals.

Country: México
Contact: Bocanegra Martínez Arturo, Contreras Medellín López Pastora, Hernández García Alejandro, Reyes Granillo Tzunaly Elizabeth| rentomonteroruiz@gmail.com

15. Environmental education from the school garden.

The project contemplates the implementation of a school garden to use it as an environmental education tool, seeking the positive impact on students and their families.

Country: México
Contact: Arturo Bocanegra Martínez, Ejersain Contreras Beltran, Nancy Yaneth Sánchez Nuño, Leopoldo Smith Torres| leopoldo.smith@alumnos.udg.mx

16. Name of the Project: Lessons from the coronavirus: workshop course on urban gardens.

Lessons that the Coronavirus left us is a project that focuses in the economic problems that arise from a pandemic; the main lack of economic resources affects people's nutrition, especially in developing countries such as Mexico. The workshop course that we are working on is focused on the production of food in a sustainable way in our own home.

Country: México
Contact:  Jimenez Macias Nancy Camila Michelle | nancy.jimenez5542@alumnos.udg.mx