Dr. Chiemeze Atama
POP Country Representative of Nigeria
Chiemezie Atama holds a PhD in Sociology (Population studies) funded by the Tertiary Education Trust Fund (Nigeria). She is a Senior Lecturer at the Department of Sociology & Anthropology University of Nigeria, Nsukka. She is a gender and climate and activist. Her areas of research interest include Population issues, Gender and development, Family studies, Sexual and Reproductive health and Climate change. Chiemezie has taken part in both national and international research. She is a Senior Research Fellow at Gender and Development Studies Research Group at the University of Nigeria, Nsukka. Currently, she is working with a team on a research titled “Promoting positive masculinity for sexual and reproductive health and rights and gender equality in informal settlements in selected cities in sub-Saharan Africa”, funded by IDRC. Some of her works, which involved the use of qualitative and quantitative methods, have been published in peer-reviewed journals. She has undergone series of certified professional trainings including Advancing Women, Peace and Security Agenda in Africa, Empowerment Self Defense, Accountability and Advocacy trainings among others and she is one of the 2022 1000 Voices Fellow organised by Every Woman Treaty. She has been working to engage men and boys to achieve gender equality and recently she was elected the Chairperson, MenEngage Nigeria, a network of CSOs in Nigeria that is committed to engaging men and boys to promote gender equality. As a climate activist and works specifically to promote gender justice in environmental sustainability. She has been carrying out climate education among women and young persons however her outstanding work on gender and climate change centers on teaching young women and girls how to make cloth pads to stop period poverty and promote eco-friendly environment for sustainability.