POP Festival


The POP Festival has recently been recognized by the G20's Civil Society Group (Sustainable and Resilience Communities Working Group) as a global best practice (Udharan) with high positive impacts, shortlisted from many successful projects from G20 nations around the world.

International Conference and POP Festival for Youth-led Climate Action

Dr. R.K. Pachauri Opening Remark at the POP Festival 2019

Stimulating the ever-growing scale of youth-led actions around the world, the POP Festival seeks to be a diversity-friendly platform where stakeholders from all the sectors and sections of the society assemble to share their ideas of innovation and futuristic solutions to combat the threatening issues of the environment.

Adolescents and young peopleare mobilizing action across nations and they hold the potential to spearhead the journey to Protect Our Planet. Youth leadership can only be enabled when their involvement and activism is supported, encouraged and mentored by different stakeholders in society. Establishing this relationship will be a step towards a comprehensive approach to tackling issues at hand and will also go a long way in slowly transforming the development process.

A Platform for Young Innovators and Changemakers

POP Festival is a platform for the youth who strive to build conviction on the dire need to mobilize action and build a social movement for combating the issue of climate change and environmental degradation. If you consider yourself a YOUNG INNOVATOR and/or a CHANGEMAKER, sign up to present your project/initiative that you have designed!

It is also open for ALL, including scientists, academics, business people, and government leaders.

A Glimpse into the POP Festival 2019

The International Conference and Festival for Youth-Led Climate Action 2019 revealed a number of overarching truths, which are vital to behold in the long-drawn journey towards altering the course of sustainable development and Protecting Our Planet. Firstly, it is absolutely essential to acknowledge and accolade the different range of themes that were covered by the young participants during the course of two days, as it goes to highlight the need for a multidimensional approach to decipher and unravel the multifaceted issue of climate change. Secondly, the festival showed that when given adequate support and motivation, youth take the lead without any setback or hesitation, and drive innovation and ground-level action, wielding their knowledge of academia coupled with exposure to their immediate environmental reality. Furthermore, the festival brought together youth from different parts of the globe and provided a common platform enabling them to not only showcase their work, but also take lessons from other youth-led environmental initiatives from around the world. The festival fostered a sense of solidarity and knit this diverse group together through their shared ideals, thereby building the capacity for a strong movement.

The annual POP Festival is truly special and one of a kind because of the aforementioned truths and a myriad of other reasons. It is a solid testimony to the fact that youth can be leaders of change and pioneer environmental movements if they channelize their potential towards this unified goal. The POP Movement enables this process and envisages a global youth-led movement by providing sustained support and encouragement to young people across the world in the form of capacity building and mentorship.

International Conference & POP Festival for Youth-Led Climate Action I POP Festival 2019 (English)