POP Testimonials
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Charlene Sirit, 35 years| Key Takeaways| TM Valencia Training
«I found my core with the meditations and Professor Alvaro who was incredible-incredible. I hope that these opportunities and these encounters that heal the soul continue to be given». - Charlene ...
«I found my core with the meditations and Professor Alvaro who was incredible-incredible. I hope that these opportunities and these encounters that heal the soul continue to be given». - ...Charlene Sirit, 35 years old.[+] Show More

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Jorge Farías, 30 years| Key Takeaways| TM Valencia Training
«Totally grateful to The POP Movement Venezuela for the moment of peace and tranquility they gave us in the transcendental meditation workshop with teacher Álvaro Salinas, Meraki Foundation and ...
«Totally grateful to The POP Movement Venezuela for the moment of peace and tranquility they gave us in the transcendental meditation workshop with teacher Álvaro Salinas, Meraki Foundation and ...UMLAC. We were able to meet to meditate in a group with the children of the community and I am very grateful because even the muscles of my face relaxed». - Jorge Farías, 30 years old.[+] Show More

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Grecia Reyes, 67 years| Key Takeaways| TM Valencia Training
of 14
Text Testimonials
POP Conclave 2.0
“POP Movement has taken a very important place in the development of youth-led projects globally. Personally, POP has guided me in the development of my project through conversations with great mentors and in the same network of international young people that he has created, through contacts and workshops designed for the development of projects, but mainly through the confidence and motivation that they have sown in me to continue fighting and defending the environment. POP treats each project as if it were unique, and seeks to support and guide the full development of both the projects and us, the young people”
Salomon Zaga
“We need to see ourselves as one and support each other with different perspectives in order to learn from everyone.”
Quetzalli Fernandez
“At this moment, social networks are very important, but after the Pandemic, we must focus on the recognition of POP and do work outside with society.”
Gabriela Madrid
“Very good idea and opportunity to be with POP. I have observed that everywhere there is a lot of contamination and we must look for solutions by contributing all with many ideas.”
Jerome, 12 years old
“Delighted with the experience, I can’t wait for the next ones”
Bernardette Franceschi
POP Festival 2020
“2020 has been a particularly complicated year but for me the pop festival was like the light at the end of the tunnel I am very grateful to Pop Moment for having invited me to participate in this great event that brought together brilliant people around the world with huge hearts and that they are doing so much for our planet all the opportunity to learn about disruptive innovation about transformational leadership and how to connect with other people and find ways to benefit all and also all species.”
Iván Ransom, Mexico
“The POP festival contributed to the development of my speech skills and in the same way allowed me to be at a panel table for the first time, which was very pleasant and also a lot of learning. The values that I learned being in the POP festival was the responsibility of punctuality, discipline and especially friendship since it allowed me to create closer links with other young people from different states and also from other countries.”
Ana del Carmen Poot Cahum, Etnia Maya Yucateca, México
“Hello I want to congratulate the POP Movement international for the impeccable development of the Second POP Festival for Youth-Led Climate Action, has really been a unique and unforgettable experience under an innovative platform with super nice people with incredible quality and professionalism. I extend my congratulations to the entire organizing team as well as to all participants and I invite you to continue contributing from granite to granite for our Mother Earth, Thanks.”
Licenciada Maribi Coronel, Valencia-Venezuela, Gerente General Fundación Internacional Vida Verde FUNVIVE
“I am Ricardo Delgado, I am 17 years old and I live in Valencia, Venezuela, the most beautiful thing that I got from the POP Festival are the multicultural relationships with people from all over the world and it is something very beneficial, that is the key to our growth as a society to interact with other cultures and exchange our knowledge is something very valuable that I will keep it in my heart and I am very grateful for the opportunity, everyone must experience the POP Festival.”
Ricardo Andrés Delgado Lander, Valencia, Venezuela
“I am Alejandra Altamirano from the State of Mexico in Mexico, POP Movement has helped me to develop professionally through its projects, its courses and its working groups in each of them I have found the responsibility, the commitment, humility, gratitude and love.”
Alejandra Yareth Fragoso Altamirano, Estado de México, Mexico
“My name is Kamal Tasiu from Nigeria but living in Turkey, The POP Movement conference was an amazing experience for me and it is something that I can never forget. I was able to participate in different sessions and I had the chance to meet so many people who inspired me to do great things.”
Kamal Taisu, Turkey
“This year I got the opportunity to participate in the POP Festival. I and my partner presented a project. I consider it as an honor to be able to meet such wonderful people who are trying to protect our planet from all kinds of disasters. I thank the POP Festival and especially Dr. Ash and Ms. Ana for helping me and Ervis Foundation in abundance for all the support and consideration.”
Meenakshi Rakhesh, UAE, Dubai
“It was a wonderful experience participating in the POP Festival because not only I was able to voice out my ideas and research. I was also able to learn a lot from the participants. Thank you so much for this wonderful opportunity.”
Prakrti Prakash, India
“The POP Festival has been an amazing experience. I was really happy when I got to know that I could present at the POP festival and even more happy when I received an award. The POP Festival has given me a voice to share my thoughts and ideas in saving the planet.”
Preyasi Desai, India
“I have been a part of POP Festival and share my experience. It really has been an amazing experience. Besides the festival, I had the opportunity to interview a lot of people from different backgrounds and countries and people with a lot of knowledge about environmental problems which has been such a valuable information lesson to me.”
Salomon Zaga, Mexico
“The POP Festival has been the most enriching, most inspiring, and unforgettable experience of my life. As a passionate youth change-maker, I got this incredible opportunity to interact and meet up with youth leaders from across the globe who are doing phenomenal work and striving hard each day to change the faith of our planet. “
Priyanka Prakash, Ervis Foundation, Dubai
“I am Stuti Mishra, 20 years old from Maharashtra. I am truly passionate about solving some of the environmental issues which I came through by attending several webinars at Ervis Foundation and really excited to present my innovative idea during the POP Festival.”
Stuti Mishra, India
“POP Festival was a lot of fun. I learned a lot and meet a lot of people. I got a lot of support and it has motivated me to take action, to work towards the solution, and implement it. It builds connections that help me develop the solutions.”
Ved Sanyal, Ervis Foundation
“I am very happy to be able to participate at the International Protect Our Planet Festival. It was all really interesting such as the leadership, blue action, the Hitaji Africa sessions, and so many other sessions. I was really inspired and learned that one can actually take actions in whatever decision they make and through this festival I have learned that one can go green and make the journey.”
Elizabeth Nuwasiima, Uganda
“I participated in POP Festival 2020 and I learned a lot how different people of different ages share the same goal which is to conserve our environment and environmental issues.”
Destine Osteen, participant at the POP Festival 2020
“The POP Movement is a wonderful and very pro-active organization especially when it comes to the involvement of youth with environmental issues. I am so impressed by the wonderful work everyone is doing on climate change. It is a worldwide effort that everyone can make a change to their everyday lives.”
Jamila Sealy, Africa
“It was a pleasure meeting lots of wonderful people and listen to their stories and ideas. POP Festival is a platform that changes lots of people’s lives, and how to interact with the environment. It makes people aware and I am very excited about next year’s festival. “
Haaziq Kazi, Founder, Ervis Foundation
“It was a good experience, the workshops were great! I faced a little problem in language due to some sessions. But overall the POP Festival was great! Thank you POP team for the great efforts you are doing to make our planet a better place.”
Zineb Aafir, Africa
I am associated with “Ervis Foundation” in my country India which empowers youth in ideating solutions for dealing with the plastic-crisis which led me to receive an amazing opportunity to present my climate action project titled “Save Our World” this year at the POP festival.
Due to the “POP festival”, I could interact with climate action leaders from across the world.
All the sessions were very inspiring and I am grateful to the POP Team for an giving me this opportunity!
Stuti Mishra, Ervis Foundation, India
“Hi, everybody! My name is Salma Macias, I’m 23 years old and a student of marine biology.
I want to congratulate the POP Family for its amazing work in the development of the festival. I have attended many sessions since the first day and have the honor to participate as a panelist and moderator in a couple of them.
From the welcome session, I have felt really inspired by all the fantastic projects around the world, the speeches of young leaders, and the voices of adults with many years of experience.
It doesn’t matter where are you from, in the end, you connect with all the people and learn that is possible to start a green/blue change to protect our planet, even from your house and in the pandemic.
As the present and young people we are, it’s time to take advocacy and actions to bring solutions for the environmental problems.
Thank you for all these great opportunities that you bring to us, the youth. We lost face-to-face contact but is possible to feel the warmth and hope that you have in us.”
Salma Macias, Mexico
“I would like to thank each and every person that made this International Conference & POP Festival for Youth-Led Climate Action possible. Youth activism and Climate Change and networking sessions were amazing. They inspired me to continue doing what I am doing.
This festival made me realize that if we can work together we can create a vision for tomorrow.
Through my conversations with Ash and other young leaders, they have demonstrated their desire to continue connecting with young leaders and support them in their projects.
My recommendation for POP Movement’s future endeavors is to keep in contact because by working together we can make wonders.”
Kamal Tasiu Abdullahi, Marmara University, Kano, Nigeria
“If you have an environmentally-focused project I truly recommend you to check out The POP Festival and consider applying. Is an amazing way to showcase your work, raise awareness on the issue you are most concerned about, meet how other people around the world are tackling that and many other issues, and also great feedback from experts from across the world”
Ana Hanhausen, Mexico
POP Festival 2019
“With The POP Movement’s support remarkable and superb outcomes were acquired in my university, a space was opened for youngsters to look for arrangements and take initiative and accomplish the Sustainable Development Goals embraced by the UN in order to create a positive climate impact in their communities.”
Vanessa Hernandez
A POP Youth Mentor at the POP Festival 2019
“The POP Festival allowed us to develop the skills needed to execute and grow projects focused on the environment, including presentation, communication and networking. Thanks to our University support, the group “Cambio Ibero” had the opportunity to participate in the festival with different projects implemented at the university.”
Ana Hanhausen
The POP Movement, Plastic Oceans Mexico at the POP Festival 2019
“The POP Festival was the meeting space for young university students with the same ideals and objectives to Protect Our Planet. The values that I learned from The POP Movement were solidarity, sympathy, duty, determination, inventiveness and love for our planet, as the importance of taking action and sharing knowledge with the community.”
Sandra Abigail Ortega Molinar
A young activist from CUCEI, A Participant at the POP Festival 2019
“It was very astounding to be at the global meeting celebration for youth atmosphere activity, since youngsters originated from various states and nations, had an extraordinary impact in my life, this helpful to improve my venture. I had taken in certain values within The POP Movement like lowliness, that the world can be changed regardless of what your identity is, it’s the duty and responsibility of every one of us, as individuals, to think about our planet. Each learning and experience I have imparted to every one of my companions, neighbors, family and even with some nearby specialists. Thanks POP “kolaval pop.”
Mario Alberto Santiz Ruiz
Member of Chamula’s Indigenous Community, Chiapas, A Participant at the POP Festival 2019
Indigenous Youth Climate Action in Latin America: Workshop on World Environment Day
“It is unfortunate to know that all our indigenous peoples live the same realities, but we have also realized that we are not alone. By dialoguing, listening and demanding, we can make our problems known to be heard, and our worldview (Cosmovisión), culture, territory and cultural identity.”
Johan Ramos
Venezuela at Indigenous Youth Climate Action in Latin America: Workshop on World Environment Day
“To combat deforestation, one solution is to work with children and young people to plant native species, also to conserve the forest and plant bamboo on the sides of the rivers to purify the water.”
Natalia Rosa Tanguila
Ecuador at Indigenous Youth Climate Action in Latin America: Workshop on World Environment Day
Impacts of Climate Change and Covid-19 on Coastal areas
“The youth must be fearless in order to create real change, and we must all band together and collaborate to take action. Passion, motivation, and communication are all important qualities in a leader of any kind, whether it is for the climate movement or not.”
Lauren & Caroline
Participants at Impacts of Climate Change and Covid 19 in Coastal Areas
“How important is that the youth gets involved with environmental problems and practices right now.”
Salamon Zaga
A Participant at Impacts of Climate Change and Covid 19 in Coastal Areas
Youth Leadership Development for SDGs and Climate Action in the context of COVID-19
“Keep inspiring people all over the world! Yours is the right approach:inclusivity, which means equality, a higher ideal France was fighting for during the French revolution. But now we are lucky. We don’t need guillotines.”
Raúl Javier Leyva Guzmán
A Participant at the Youth Leadership Development for SDGs and Climate Action
“It was fantastic to discuss the theme you gave us with people around the world. Thank you so much for this invaluable time and opportunity.”
Midori Kawano
A Participant at the Youth Leadership Development for SDGs and Climate Action
International Day of the World’s Indigenous Peoples: Interviews by POP Trainee Mentor
“To save our planet, we must work together. And the first step to it is by listening, understanding, and learning from each other.”
Camila González Colistro
POP Trainee Mentor at the International Day of the World’s Indigenous Peoples: Interviews by POP Trainee Mentor
Get Off the Bench Workshops with Kerryn Vaughan
“Kerryn’s workshop was an insightful journey since the beginning. Her expertise and deep understanding in the process to develop a project, her awareness on the role of social and psychological factors affecting people in earlier stages of the projects and how to overcome them, and her energy, positivity, and authentic vocation to guide and support made this an invaluable experience. I’m so grateful to Kerryn, and to the POP Movement for giving me the opportunity to participate in her workshop.”
Ivan Ransom Rodríguez
POP Leader from México at Get Off the Bench Workshops with Kerryn Vaughan
Podcast on environmental problems and conscious consumption
“The POP Movement has taken a very important place in the development of projects led by youth at a global level. Personally, POP has guided me in the development of my project through conversations with great mentors and in the same youth network. international organizations that it has created, through contacts and workshops designed for the development of projects, but mainly through the confidence and motivation that have been sown in me to continue fighting and defending the environment. POP treats each project as if it were unique, and seeks to support and guide the full development of both the projects and us, the youth”
Salomon Zaga
POP Leader from Mexico at the Podcast on environmental problems and conscious consumption
“Last year, 2019 I attended the International conference and youth festival on Climate Action 2019 from the POP Movement, I got many ideas out of that conference and I really understood the emergency to stay steps against the climate actions, now I could engage amount my friends my family and my neighbors to use less plastics and the necessity to take immediate climate actions against to climate change”
Shakthi Jeyakumar, Mexico
“Have you been feeling the hottest weather lately? That the rains are more violent than before? And that the dry seasons are longer each year? Well, it is the Earth warning us about global warming. But … Have you ever sat down to wonder, all the consequences that this has? Are you ready for another COVID-19? Certainly, no one is”. “Today, International Day of Climate Action, I invite you to raise your voice, make your voice heard and more importantly, educate yourself about it, because together we can prevent the consequences”
André Lander, Mexico
“The POP Movement implements values such as responsibility, loyalty, and commitment with the environment”. “I had a very nice experience of attending the Nuevo Vallarta 2019 congress, an experience that I recommend to everyone, meeting new people from other countries, sharing their ideas with you, how they see the environmental impact from their culture, their perspective; With this, you learn and you can implement projects in your country”. “I am delighted with The POP Movement and I continue to do my bit from home”
Miriam Ramos Cruz, Mexico
“The POP Movement has been helping me to grow as a professional by giving me experience and knowledge that make me feel better with myself and also more confidence, some tools that I can share with my friends or whatever people that are with me, I can inspire them to be better persons and do something for the planet”. “The support that I receive in all the process about the festival of Nuevo Vallarta México on 2019 in every single step of the festival was so important to me; have the support of someone that was on The POP Movement make me feel confident, part of the POP Family, the feeling that they were waiting for me there”. “The POP Movement gives me the opportunity to meet a lot of people from different cultures but with the same objective to Protect Our Planet and it’s so incredible to have that kind of experience”. “I think that the most important way that we have to share what we know or what we are is to inspire them with the example”
Jesus Humberto Fernandez, Mexico
“Keep inspiring people all over the world! Yours is the right approach:inclusivity, which means equality, a higher ideal France was fighting for during the French revolution. But now we are lucky. We don’t need guillotines.”
Ranjani Ravi (WAAS Associate Fellow)
Impact of Climate Change and Covid- 19 in Coastal areas
“It was fantastic to discuss the theme you gave us with people around the world. Thank you so much for this invaluable time and opportunity.”
Midori Kawano
Youth Leadership Development for Climate Action Across Continents in the COVID -19 Situation
“It was great to see so many people concerned with ecological problems, from world leaders to young people across the planet! I learned a lot, and gained some hope. Thank you very much for organizing this.”
Mariana Castro Azpíroz (Mexico)
POP Ocean Virtual Summit
“This was an awesome summit! Would love to have it be a little longer so that experts can get there full points across but other than that you guys did and awesome job!”
Beck Marshall (USA)
POP Ocean Virtual Summit
“Innovative approach the help me develop my project and the future way to handle it”
Saruveish Mogan (Malaysia)
POP Conclave
“This was a great meeting, so thoughtful and such an energy. I loved being part of this. I get inspired by the POP Movement every time.”
Ivan Sansom
POP Palettes