Artificial intelligence and Climate Advocacy – FXB-USA, USA

The project focuses on researching and generating ideas on how technologies like Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) can help to create climate resilience, prevention of pandemics, lift people out of poverty, and sustain their prosperity when confronted with global pandemics or climate change disruptions, and to eventually implement AI-based systems at a larger scale, for global impact, by collaborating with more people and organizations. The vision  of this project is to turn it into a social movement where people can empower and educate themselves and others about the way technologies can help climate advocacy. It seeks to create a global platform where knowledge and help are always available from experts that welcome the exploration of any new idea. The acquired knowledge and changed culture from international teamwork will be passed to future generations for a long-term positive impact. This project also has the potential to drastically reduce the divide that exists between nature-loving climate activists and technology-loving problem solvers, while they work together towards the same goal of saving humanity from the worst ever crisis we are facing on Earth.

Country: USA
Contact: Om Desai |
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