Having understood the need for mobilizing determined efforts across extensive spheres to overcome the ecological challenges caused by the anthropocene, the POP Movement strongly believes that, in the face of the current COVID-19 pandemic, we must unite, now more than ever, to realign the course of human progress starting from the smallest of changes. For the past many weeks, this has seeded the inception of weekly virtual conversations with young leaders from every continent including Asia, Africa, Australia, Europe, and the Americas.
In the many continent calls that have taken place so far, many of our POP youth have expressed interest to further network and enhance partnerships through cross-continent conversations. As a careful response to that, the POP Conclave seeks to expand the network of young social leaders by connecting them with their peers from other continents and creates an opportunity to cross-learn in the process of sharing insights and context-based experience, and helping each other build individual and collective strategies for grassroots action.