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Tree Planting Launch in Churches
September 18, 2022

On September 18, 2022, Manica Youth Assembly (MAYA) in partnership with POP Zimbabwe launched a tree planting campaign in Churches at the Holy Parish Anglican Church Sakubva. The campaign is aimed at mobilizing communities in Mutae not to just love to plant trees but to also nurture them and raise awareness amongst children, youths, and adults about the issues of climate change and global justice. The launch which was followed after Church service has indirectly impacted more than 450 members and 75 directly impacted composed of Rt Rev Bishop Eric Ruwona, 4 pastors, church warden, church members who were selected to represent Anglican Church and MAYA-POP volunteers.
Natural hazards and disasters are happening now and again in our community due to climate change, as POP Zimbabwe in partnership with MAYA one of its impact goals is to help reduce the effects of natural hazards through planting of various trees both indigenous and exotic trees to restore the aesthetic value of nature.
POP Movement and MAYA’s young people are taking the lead in climate action so as to try and ameliorate the effects of climate change in the city targeting churches, schools, and community at large. Against the backdrop that a flood occurs or a cyclone, massive destruction will occur due to mud flows. At this juncture the afforestation and reforestation program done by MAYA and POP Zimbabwe helps to combat the soils. This is being done so as to avert the historical catastrophic disaster that befalls in Chimanimani.
The constitution of Zimbabwe chapter 73 clearly states that “everyone has the right to a clean and safe environment” but upon close scrutiny this is being violated by most human activities and that is one of the reasons the youths have taken charge in planting trees.
Planting of trees also helps to reduce human and animal conflicts, it also helps to restore the ecosystem and the lost habitat of various animals for example various types of birds. Trees also help in terms of food security as they provide various types of fruits for both the animals and humans so planting trees is a necessity. MAYA together with POP Zimbabwe will mobilize youth in marginalized communities to participate in the fight against climate change by planting trees and taking care of their environment. The Anglican Bishop of Manicaland the Rt Rev Bishop Eric Ruwona endorsed POP Zimbabwe and MAYAs community reforestation project which aims to positively contribute to fighting against climate through positive action which is a manifestation of selfless love towards our planet. We planted 20 king palm trees at the church with the first tree planted by the Bishop, followed by Pastors from various Locations in Mutare. The planting of trees is in line with the sustainable development goal (SDG) 13 which advocates for climate action. The youth are encouraged to continue playing their part in driving global goals and come out in their numbers for events like these for we only have one planet thus there is no planet B. Therefore, we should be responsible for it and whatever damage happens to it.
MAYA would like to recommend the responsible authorities, Churches, Community leaders and likeminded organizations to support the project by providing water, evicting the farmers who are practicing unsustainable farming and recommend the participants to be time conscious. The overall goal of the project is to have an environment responsive society which is conscious and proactive on environment and climate justice. Know more about the launch