The POP global family commemorates the memory of our Late Chief Mentor, Dr. Rajendra Kumar Pachauri (Patchy to many), on every occasion of his birth anniversary on August 20.
Read more about the inspiring life of Dr. R.K. Pachauri.

The RK Pachauri Award for Youth-led Climate Action
The RK Pachauri Award is aimed at young people who have the love and passion to make this world a better place and become the great generators and transformers of change.
This award honors the work and leadership of the group for their inspiring project of science and innovation, community mobilization, entrepreneurship, and advocacy that is largely aimed at sustainability, environmental protection, restoration and climate action. Most importantly, it recognizes the actions and leadership of youth inspired by knowledge.
Awardees for 2021 - Seas of Change
Awardees for 2022- POP Venezuela and POP Nigeria Initiative
The John “Mac” McQuown Award for Youth-led Climate Technology and Innovation
The John “Mac” McQuown Award aims to identify and support innovative and technology projects that are already being implemented and have the potential for expansion and replication.
This award honors the team for their project that captures innovation and shares knowledge about emerging technologies and trends, hones its design and experimentation tool by applying robust research methodology, and engages new stakeholders by building partnerships and co-opting unique actors to implement innovative solutions.
Awardees for 2021- Resilience 2020
Awardees for 2022- The Carbon Footprinet Project

Donate to the RK Pachauri Crowdfunding Campaign
Target donation: USD 50,000
Type: Non-profit organization
Purpose: The purpose of the campaign is to generate funds to support youth led climate action projects globally.
- Promote climate innovation and action by the youth
- Acknowledge their efforts at international platforms, and provide greater opportunities
- Overcome funding challenges faced by young innovators, indigenous communities, and vulnerable groups to execute their projects
Benefits: The donation generated through the campaign will serve as a motivation for the youth. It will act as a propagator to take their climate solutions ahead.