The solar bench – Julius-Stursberg-Gymnasium

Participating in the “Climate Challenge Ruhr” that was organized by the local government, the team mobilized people from around the world to contribute points through sustainable action in their everyday lives. For example, a person taking public transport instead of a car, could take a picture of the activity and upload it to support the particular team. With points collected in this manner, the team that got the most points at the end of four weeks was expected to win a particular amount of money.

Since there is no sitting arrangement for the students in the school yard due to construction work, the team wished for a solar bench for the students to sit on, which is additionally made out of PV (Photovoltaic) solar models that creates enough energy to charge electronic devices like mobile phones. While the generation of energy won’t be considerably large, the
fundamental idea behind this bench is that the students are exposed to a product like this on a daily basis and are stimulated to think about modern ways of producing energy. This would promote lifestyle changes and alterations in behavior.

The team went on to win the solar bench and now aims to take this success forward by equipping the roof of the school center with solar models during the course of the renovation.

Country: Germany
Contact: Andreas Forsthövel |
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