Peter Lundgren
Presentation: Carbon sequestration in Iowa Urban Forests
Peter earned an M.A. in TESOL from the University of Barcelona, Spain, and a B.A. in Liberal Arts from Iowa State University. He spent his early career working in the north of Spain, and the last ten years, working at the University of Iowa. Along the way, he had the opportunity to participate in a community garden group which sparked his interest in the development of green spaces. As a Trees Forever Field Coordinator, Peter is excited to put his interests into practice helping communities plant trees and bring their projects to life. His vision of a climate positive future would be one in which there is a steady and progressive movement toward planting more trees throughout the world, and especially here in Iowa. It would be every community striving to place the development of green spaces and the increase of tree canopy at the forefront of urban planning to reap the incredible benefits that trees can bring us in health, the environment, and the economy.