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Workshop at Instituto Tecnológico de Saltillo

March 1, 2019

A 4-hour workshop was conducted with approximately 80 students at the Instituto Tecnológico de Saltillo (ITS). The students, mostly engineers, developed plans for climate action which ranged from developing green discount credit card technologies to reforestation to mechanisms for recycling plastics for cash points to be used for public transport. Each student made one commitment which they will follow through. The Institution’s, Sustainability In-Charge, Lic. Mario Alberto de la Rosa supported the implementation of the workshop throughout and will follow up on the implementation of the POP Movement at ITS. The Ministry of Environment offered support to the students and sponsorship for them to attend the upcoming POP Festival in Nayarit.

The workshop opened with an inspiring message by Bióloga Eglantina Canales Gutiérrez, Secretaria de Medio Ambiente del Estado de Coahuila and the Director del Instituto Tecnológico de Coahuila, Ing. Arnoldo Solís Covarrubias. The opening was also attended by Dr. Oscar E. Flores García, Subsecretario de Gestión Ambiental de la Secretaria de Medio Ambiente del estado de Coahuila and Dr. Carlos Loyola. Subdirector Académico Instituto Tecnológico de Saltillo.

Other Ministry officials and ITC staff that attended the workshop included Santiago Barrios Rosillo, Analista de Proyectos, Gestión Ambiental, de la Secretaría de Medio Ambiente and Erika Guadalupe Cruz de León, Técnico Evaluador de la Coordinación de Cambio Climático, Gestión Integral de Calidad del Aire y RETC, de la Secretaría de Medio Ambiente; and Lic. Mario Alberto de la Rosa. Departamento de Sustentabilidad y área verde, Instituto Tecnológico de Saltillo; and Ing. Alejandra Puente Flores. Departamento de Sustentabilidad y área verde, Instituto Tecnológico de Saltillo.


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