Nahid Pérez Ayala
POP Youth Mentor
Nahid Pérez Ayala is a pre-med high school student at Colegio José de Escandón La Salle, Trainee Mentor at the POP Movement, a member of YOUNGO, and a student leader. At the POP Movement, she has participated as a speaker, moderator, volunteer, and organizer of different national and international events and initiatives such as the Second and Third International Conference and POP Festival for Youth Climate Action, “Protecting Mother Earth and Nature: Voices of Original Nations”, Peace Day, Pre-COP 2021, the Fifth Student Colloquium, “Global Warming and the Environmental Sciences” organized by the IPN and the UPC, and the Fifth International Conference on the Future of Education organized by the World Academy of Arts and Sciences (WAAS) and UNESCO, among others.
She was a delegate for Mexico at the United Nations Youth Climate Change Conference 2021 (COY 16) and was part of the Climate Bootcamp 2021 organized by the British Embassy in Mexico for the government of the United Kingdom. She is also part of YOUNGO with engagement in the health, agriculture, and inclusion groups. She has co-authored an article on environmental justice and equity for WAAS and another on the role of youth in COP26. She has participated as a staff researcher with the Center for Human Progress and WHO on the Self-Care Interventions for Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights among youth to advance Universal Health Coverage.